Annual Report 2023

Take a look at the full report to get all the highlights from 2023.

Turning wind R&D into a sustainable industry







Development of innovations

TRL 1 Basic principles observed
Technology concept formulated
Experimental proof of concept
Technology validated in lab
Technology validated in relevant environment

TRL 6 Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL 8 System complete and qualified
TRL 9 Actual system proven in operational environment


People: 53 Master's students; 102 Key researchers; 14 PhDs financed by NorthWind; 4 Associated PhDs (financed through other sources); 1 Associated postdoc (financed through other sources)

Communication and dissemination*

Communication and dissemination: 16 Books/theses and reports; 38 Peer reviewed journal publications; 123 Presentations; 17 Multimedia products; 12 Op-eds; 45 Blog articles and information material; 198 Media contributions (Numbers shown are accumulated totals since the beginning of Centre activities)

* Numbers shown are accumulated totals since the beginning of Centre activities, as of the end of 2023.

Our contribution to a more sustainable world

NorthWind’s research in more efficient and sustainable wind energy contributes to reaching many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Here are three of them that we consider as the most relevant and where we hope to achieve significant impact through our research.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

Working to enable the massive deployment and integration of wind energy into the energy system at a competitive cost addresses goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

The anticipated increase in the market share of cost-competitive on- and offshore wind energy by 2030 is one of the most important drivers for reaching emissions reduction targets, and targets goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate action
UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water
Work on sustainable solutions for offshore wind energy development targets goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.


Value for industry partners

User case studies

The purpose of the user case studies is for experts from across NorthWind’s work packages to address specific challenges in collaboration with industry partners. We expect at least 20 such studies to be carried out as part of NorthWind. The case studies are led by industry partners, to ensure that their focus is calibrated to the needs of the industry. You can read descriptions of selected user case studies on which work has started in the Research and results section of this report.

Full annual report 2023

Download the PDF version:

NorthWind annual report 2023

Past reports